Seth is the Friendly Pro 
You've Been Waiting For
What Seth Does: "I collaborate with visionaries and entrepreneurs in various creative roles on a wide range of projects.  With over 20 years' experience, I am a partner for successful outcomes on cool/unique productions, useful communications tools, and more. This is all encompassed in what can be called Brand Strategy and Design Consulting services. I also draw stuff sometimes."
Career: "My work can be seen on Netflix's Mystery Science Theater 3000 where I was lead creative producer for the show runner, commercials for big name Toys like Dreamwork's How to Train Your Dragon and Monster Jam Trucks, on the internet, in some small art galleries, and branding for over 100 brands. My past roles have involved design, illustration, contributing as a member of creative teams, and/or managing projects. It's taken years and traveling many roads to concisely distill my experience into what I do now, but I was rarely bored working on so many different types of projects in such a wide array of industries."
What’s he up to now?: “Living in Tucson, Arizona, building my brand strategy & design consultancy, looking at cacti, or having a Chardonnay with my wife and cat.”
His ask: “Have a look at my portfolio and contact me - whether you want to hire me to build something together, or you want to make me an informed buyer of your services which I can provide to my clients.” 
Production & Art Direction
Design & Branding
Art & Illustration
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